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The Distinguished Gentleman

Dane płyty

CD 0429
Randy Edelman
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
The Distinguished Gentleman
Tytuł fimu polski:
Fałszywy senator


  1. Where The Money Is (2:50)
  2. The Distinguished Gentleman (2:07)
  3. A Kiss By The Potomac (1:50)
  4. Wrong Time Wrong Place (1:45)
  5. Mr. Johnson Finds a Cause (1:13)
  6. Girls Of Many Nations in D.C. (1:37)
  7. Lucrative Luncheon (1:27)
  8. Trouble (1:20)
  9. Perks (1:16)
  10. A Quick Getaway (0:34)
  11. Soft Rebellion (1:21)
  12. Three Ring Hearing Room (0:59)
  13. Taking Sides On The Issue (1:14)
  14. Me and a Martini You (2:56)
  15. Art Of The Con (1:43)
  16. On The Campaign Trail (2:06)
  17. Reprise of "The Distinguished Gentleman" & Finale (2:23)