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Mighty Aphrodite

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CD 0459
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Mighty Aphrodite
Tytuł fimu polski:
Jej Wysokość Afrodyta


  1. Neo Minore (3:57) Vassilis Tsitsanis
  2. Horos Tou Sakena (2:27) George Zambetas
  3. I've Found A New Baby (3:13) Wilbur de Paris
  4. Whispering (2:42) The Benny Goodman Orchestra
  5. Manhatan (3:00) Carmen Cavallaro
  6. When Your Love Has Gone (2:49) Bert Ambrose
  7. Li'l Darlin' (4:50) The Count Basie Orchestra
  8. Take Five (5:25) Paul Desmond / The Dave Brubeck Quartet
  9. Renthouse Serenade (When We're Alone) (2:56) Erroll Garner
  10. I Hadn't Anyone Till You (4:51) Erroll Garner
  11. The 'In' Crowd (5:52) Ramsey Lewis
  12. You Do Something To Me (1:36) Cole Porter / Dick Hyman
  13. When You're Smiling (The Whole World Smiles With You) (3:16) Dick Hyman