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Moll Flanders

Dane płyty

CD 0561
Mark Mancina
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Moll Flanders
Tytuł fimu polski:
Burzliwe życie Moll Flanders


  1. Moll of Flanders (4:18)
  2. Moll's Jig (2:10)
  3. Flesh and Blood (3:32)
  4. A New World (3:27)
  5. Devil Woman (4:48)
  6. We Were One (1:25)
  7. Voyage (1:51)
  8. Hibble's Tale (1:48)
  9. Life Begins (3:32)
  10. Sparrows (3:25)
  11. Flora's Choice (1:36)
  12. Full of Grace (3:41) Sarah McLachlan
  13. Belle Nuit, O Nuit D'Amour (4:09) Jacques Offenbach
  14. BWV - Allegro Suite No.3 in D Major (5:13) Johann Sebastian Bach
  15. RV - Alegro Concerto in C (2:36) Antonio Vivaldi
  16. RV - Largo Concerto in C (3:35) Antonio Vivaldi
  17. Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G major. Allegro (6:49) Johann Sebastian Bach
  18. Water Music Suite No. 1 in F major. Hornpipe & Andante (8:05) Georg Friedrich Handel
  19. Moll Reprise (3:11)