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When Harry Met Sally...

Dane płyty

CD 0766
Harry Connick Jr.
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
When Harry Met Sally...
Tytuł fimu polski:
Kiedy Harry spotkał Sally


  1. It Had To Be You (Big Band And Vocals) (2:41)
  2. Love Is Here To Stay (4:13)
  3. Stompin' At The Savoy (4:17)
  4. But Not For Me (4:34)
  5. Winter Wonderland (3:04)
  6. Don't Get Around Much Anymore (4:24)
  7. Autumn In New York (2:50)
  8. I Could Write A Book (2:30)
  9. Let's Call The Whole Thing Off (4:13)
  10. It Had To Be You (Instrumental Trio) (1:44)
  11. Where Or When (3:57)