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A River Runs Through It

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CD 0841
Mark Isham
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
A River Runs Through It
Tytuł fimu polski:
Rzeka życia


  1. A River Runs Through It (2:24)
  2. Casting Presbyterian Style (1:29)
  3. A Land Filled With Wonder (1:34)
  4. Down the Alley (With You) (2:21)
  5. A Summer of Lumber and Fishing (1:45)
  6. Shooting the Chutes (1:53)
  7. Three Fisherman (1:56)
  8. A Trip to the Unknown (2:30)
  9. A Four-Count Rythm (2:29)
  10. The Sheik of Araby (1:57)
  11. Bye Bye Blackbird (1:59) Prudence Johnson
  12. Je Ne Sais Quois (0:57)
  13. Swing Me High, Swing Me Low (2:30)
  14. A Place Remembered (0:55)
  15. A Remark was Passed (2:24)
  16. Rugged Cross (2:51)
  17. Muskrat Ramble (2:00)
  18. Rawhide (0:59)
  19. The Wild Ride (2:29)
  20. Early Departure (0:50)
  21. The Splendor in the Grass (1:12)
  22. Jessie and Norman (3:01)
  23. Lolo's (1:16)
  24. The High Road (1:03)
  25. Yes, Quite a Day (1:07)
  26. A Fine Fisherman and the Big Blackfoot River (1:42)
  27. The Moment that Could Not Last (1:23)
  28. Too Deep for Tears (0:47)
  29. Without Complete Understanding (1:23)
  30. In the Half-Light of the Canyon (2:47)
  31. Haunted by Waters-A River Runs Through it (Reprise) (4:37)