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What Dreams May Come

Dane płyty

CD 0842
Michael Kamen
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
What Dreams May Come
Tytuł fimu polski:
Między piekłem a niebem


  1. When I Was Young I Once Met This Beautiful Girl By A Lake - That Was The Last Time We Saw The Childr (5:32)
  2. Children's Melody - Tunnel-Christy's Death-The Journey Begins - I Still Exist - Annie Loses Faith (5:28)
  3. Summerland (The Painted World) - The Painted Bird Flies - Christy Flies (5:48)
  4. Marie's World (Leona Is Marie) (2:09)
  5. Longing (Lost Children) (3:52)
  6. Annie Gives Up - Soul Mates (4:39)
  7. In Hell - Sea of Faces - Recognition (Albert Is Ian) (5:52)
  8. Sea Of Faces-Falling Through Hell - Annie's Room (6:13)
  9. In the Grass With Annie - Decision-Divorce (3:53)
  10. Together In Hell - Death And Transfiguration - Together In Heaven (8:30)
  11. Reunited-Reincarnation-When I Was Young (4:00)
  12. Beside You (4:47) Mick Hucknell