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Babylon 5. Severed Dreams

Dane płyty

CD 0919
Christopher Franke
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Babylon 5


  1. Status Quo (0:47)
  2. First Engagement (1:45)
  3. Set Course For Babylon 5 (0:28)
  4. Main Title (1:30)
  5. We're In Trouble (1:05)
  6. The Arrival Of The Alexander (1:23)
  7. The Speech (0:51)
  8. Major Ryan Arrives (0:54)
  9. Mars Attack (0:30)
  10. Station Intro (0:26)
  11. The Arrival Of The Churchill (0:41)
  12. The Attack On ISN (1:04)
  13. Sheridan and Hiroshi (1:17)
  14. The Flight (0:32)
  15. Mobilization (2:05)
  16. Delenn Breaks The Gray Council (1:24)
  17. Sheridan and Father (3:31)
  18. Final Countdown (2:12)
  19. The Big Battle (8:07)
  20. Aftermath (0:19)
  21. What The Future May Hold (1:38)
  22. End Title (0:48)