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Night of the Running Man

Dane płyty

CD 0946
Christopher Franke
Tytuł fimu oryginalny:
Night of the Running Man


  1. American World Pictures Logo (0:19)
  2. Opening Credits (3:28)
  3. Taxi Ride (3:02)
  4. Killer Love (2:10)
  5. Neck Break / Total Cash (1:46)
  6. Trailer Break In (3:22)
  7. Train Chase / Hoover Dam (3:18)
  8. Couple Argument (2:05)
  9. Airport Escape (4:36)
  10. Mills House (1:42)
  11. Torture (4:19)
  12. Hospital Escape (2:25)
  13. Continental Chase (Pts 1 & 2) (3:57)
  14. Love Scene (1:51)
  15. Killer In the House (2:18)
  16. Back to Vegas (3:05)
  17. Surprise / Girl Beating / End Fight (7:30)
  18. Explosion / The End (3:19)
  19. Natasha's Theme (2:12)